Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Almond Orchard

I was lucky enough to get out to the beautiful almond orchard before the storm hit. This has to be one of the best manicured orchards I have ever seen. My daughter received permission from the owners to use if for a photo shoot with some of her clients and she brought me out to do some landscape photos. Thanks Mary.................great idea!! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Aptos, California

Aptos, Calif.
I was able to get away this weekend to the coast only to have it rain the whole time we were there. But I managed with some help from my friends and a BIG umbrella to get a few good shots that I feel were keepers. Here they are. Thanks for looking. 
Seacliff State Park

Capitola, Ca.

Seacliff State Park, Aptos, Ca.