Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Las Vegas Umbrellas

On a trip to Vegas we decided to go inside the Venetian and inside they had all of these umbrella's on display. I was very happy to have my camera along. I have never been asked more questions about a photo of mine than I have been asked about the umbrella's. 

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Preston Castle~Ione, CA

Preston Castle, Ione, CA.
I took this picture back in April of 2009, this was kind of a turning point for me and my photography. I had been taking pictures for nearly 40 years, but I got very lazy in my photography. When I switched from film to digital I downsized my camera to a small one that I could bring everywhere and that is where my laziness set in I think, I got to complacent with all aspects of my photography. But I went and purchased a better camera (ie a Canon Rebel) and quickly found my passion was still there and also quickly realized I needed a better camera and upgraded to the Canon 50D which I used up until my newest purchase of the Canon 6D. This actually was the first picture I ever sold. This is Preston Castle in Ione, Ca. http://www.prestoncastle.com/ Here is the website in case you would like to read up on the history.